Frequently Asked Question's


Q: What is Freemasonry?

A:  Freemasonry is a lifelong journey which begins when you as an individual ask to join.  Since its inception over 300years ago the aim of Freemasonry is to develop good men by building upon four key foundational elements Respect, Integrity, Friendship and Charity. 

It offers social comradery and support with members becoming lifelong friends. As well as an opportunity for personal growth/development, through individual/group participation within its ceremonies, a member can expect to build their character by gaining confidence in social and formal settings as well as public speaking and mental retention. 

Q: Why should I consider Freemasonry?

A: If you ask 10 freemasons, you will likely get 10 different answers to this question, however all will revolve around the principles of building long term meaningful friendships. Socially meeting in a nice environment and experiencing/re-experiencing the comradery of prior sports teams or military regiments, knowing that you have a network of friends who you can truly rely upon for support and guidance.

Q: How do I become a Freemason?

A: Simply by asking, you will enter into the membership pathway. This will consist of meeting with various lodge members in a stress-free social setting, where you are free to ask questions. If you wish to pursue your membership, then a formal interview process will take place and a ballot will then be held. The lead-time between enquiring and joining can vary but you can usually expect to wait somewhere between 6-10months.

Q: Is Freemasonry a Religion?

A: No, Freemasonry is not a Religion, it is a private membership club, a society of men.

Q: Does my Religion prevent me from joining?

A: No, Freemasonry is open to all Religions, Eling Manor has members of Christian, Muslim and Jewish faiths and pride ourselves upon welcoming members, regardless of faith.

Q: Is Freemasonry only for Men?

A: No, there are different types of Lodges, some are for Men, some or Women and there are also Co-Freemasonry lodges, where both Men and Woman meet together. However, they operate under different jurisdictions. Eling Manor Lodge falls under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and its membership is only open to men of 21 years or older. 

Q: Is Freemasonry only for rich/wealthy people?

A: No, becoming a Freemason is obtainable regardless of the individual's financial status. Our membership fee is currently £125 per annum and typical dinning fees when attending a meeting range from £17-25.

At Eling Manor we have members of many different careers, from serving and retired military personnel, retired post men, trades people, company owners and many more professions.

Q: How many Freemasons are there?

A: In England there are approximately 180,000 Freemasons and 8000 Lodges. With a global membership of approximately 6,000,000.

Q: If I join a Lodge, am I stuck there or can I visit other lodges?

A: A Freemason is entitled to visit any Lodge up under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England. There are international agreements that allow English Freemasons to visit some Lodges whilst abroad, further information can be found by clicking this link and visiting the UGLE website

Are you interested in becoming a Freemason? 

If you're interested in becoming a Freemason, please have a quick read through the below, this will give you an idea of what requirements there are for membership and also what to expect throughout the joining process.

You can contact us directly for a chat using our contact us form. 

 As with all clubs/memberships there are requirements for potential applicants, 

The application process starts by simply asking, you will enter into the membership pathway. This consists of meeting with various lodge members in a stress-free social setting, where you can get to know us and are free to ask questions. If you wish to pursue your membership, then a formal interview process will take place and a ballot will then be held. The lead-time between enquiring and joining can vary but you can usually expect to wait somewhere between 6-10 month

When the application has been successful a candidate will become a member of the Lodge and will then be offered the opportunity to become an officer of the Lodge and progress to be Master of the Lodge.

 © Eling Manor Lodge 2024
